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The 6 vegetables that last the longest:

Cabbage: It has iron, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium and fiber, as well as B complex vitamins. When raw, it is a good source of vitamin C. It helps in the constitution of bones and teeth. It is recommended against infections and hemorrhages. Helps with intestinal functioning.

Broccoli: it is a low-calorie vegetable and is recommended for weight loss plans. It has a considerable vitamin C content. Its vitamin A content is high when compared to cabbage and cauliflower, but lower than that of common kale. It is also a source of phosphorus, iron, calcium and fiber. The calcium content is close to that of spinach, with the advantage of being more digestible in the case of broccoli.

Cauliflower: delicate and tender vegetable, it is a tasty delicacy when well prepared. It is also an important vegetable from a nutritional point of view as it is rich in calcium and phosphorus and a source of folic acid and vitamin C. Furthermore, it is free of fat and cholesterol, and has very low sodium and calorie content. It is an inflorescence-type vegetable (group of flowers) that belongs to the Brassicácea family, just like cabbage, broccoli and common cabbage.

Chard: it is a vegetable whose leaves are similar to beet leaves. Chard has a high fiber content, necessary for the proper functioning of the intestine. Around 100 g of this vegetable meets an adult's daily need for vitamin A. It also has a reasonable vitamin C content.

Butter Kale: Rich in iron, calcium, phosphorus and fiber. Good source of vitamins A, C and B complex. Helps prevent and treat anemia. Helps in the formation of bones and teeth. Recommended in cases of intestinal constipation (trapped intestine). Store in a plastic bag in the refrigerator drawer. But, store away from apples, which emit ethylene gas, to prevent the cabbage from turning yellow. Ethylene gas is responsible for speeding up
the maturation of fruits, vegetables and greens.

Mustard: the leaves and seeds can be consumed and transformed into mustard paste. There are several species of mustard, all from the Brassica family, therefore close to cabbage, cauliflower, kale and turnips. Mustard leaves have a much more pronounced flavor when compared to kale and spinach leaves. The spicy flavor is characteristic of this vegetable. It is a source of vitamins C and A, calcium and has moderate levels of iron, sodium, potassium and magnesium.

Source: Book In the kitchen with fruits, vegetables and greens / Ministry of Health, Federal University of Minas Gerais. – Brasília: Ministry of Health, 2016.
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