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                                            CHLOROPHYLL JUICE                                                                                                                                       

Chlorophyll is the green pigment of plants, substances found in plant cells and is very important for health, as its action is antibacterial, it cleans our body of all impurities and toxins. Also known as Juice of Light, the drink has become popular in recent years because it is popular among artists looking to get in shape, but also because of its numerous properties. Among the benefits of chlorophyll juice are that it eliminates toxins from the blood and relieves irritability, leaving the person more relaxed. Chlorophyll juice helps you lose weight as it contains a lot of fiber, which takes longer to be digested by the body, giving you a feeling of satisfaction for longer. It also helps reduce fluid retention in the body.

The ingredients of chlorophyll juice are: an apple, two spoons of sprouted grains, three cabbage leaves (if you don't like cabbage, you can replace it with spinach, gherkins, chicory or endive), a whole vegetable (which can be carrots, zucchini or beet). mint leaves, celery and honey to taste.

The way to prepare chlorophyll juice is quite simple. First, blend the apple with the skin, removing only the seeds, in a blender. Then add the sprouted grains, leaves and vegetables and then beat again. When finished, add the celery and honey. Then just strain, if you feel necessary, and drink. The ideal is to drink the juice every morning on an empty stomach.


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