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Food: A Human Right

Did you know that access to healthy food is a human right provided for by law? Everyone knows that a healthy diet should consist of fruits, vegetables and foods low in sugar, fat and salt. But on a daily basis, the availability and access to these foods are compromised. How many times do we need to choose to eat a coxinha and a soda at lunch instead of eating a delicious dish of rice and beans? Whether due to lack of money or time to Direito-Humano-à-Alimentaçãoeating in peace or even a lack of places that offer a healthier menu.

Not to mention the general increase in food prices, such as the price of tomatoes in recent months (almost 8 reais per kilo) which has caused many Brazilians to replace this food with another cheaper one.

We don't realize that the right to healthy food is stolen from us every day, firstly because many don't know that it is a right just like health and education, secondly because industries and the media sell consumers the image that processed foods ( stuffed cookies, snacks, etc.) are tastier and more fun, especially for children. How can you say no to a child who asks for a cookie with your favorite drawing on the wrapper?

Despite the difficulties, there are alternatives to eating well. One of them is to demand from our governments that the law is complied with by controlling food advertising, reducing the prices of fruit and vegetables and increasing taxes on products such as soft drinks. Another alternative is to encourage projects such as popular restaurants and our Prato Cheio project, which works to reduce food waste by bringing healthy products to various entities in the city of São Paulo.