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Prato Cheio Association returns, wishing a wonderful 2011 to everyone who follows us.

How about we start by talking about a passion? that captures many hearts: chocolate.

Researchers at the University of Reading, UK, investigated the role of cocoa flavanols in prebiotic action.

But what is a flavonoid?

A: They are compounds with antioxidant properties that protect cells against damage caused by free radicals.

And what is prebiotic?

A: They are compounds necessary for the multiplication of good bacteria that protect our body.

The study was published in the scientific journal The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and concluded, for the first time, that a flavonoid may have prebiotic activity, significantly affecting the growth of beneficial intestinal microbiota, allowing better intestinal motility, in other words, goodbye constipation .

We cannot forget that this favorite among women:

-Reduces LDL-cholesterol (bad cholesterol);

– The good news is that chocolate has vitamins A, B, C, D and the minerals potassium, sodium, iron and fluorine;

– Increases the production of serotonin, a hormone effective in combating depression and anxiety.

Remember: Choose good quality chocolate, pay attention to the amount of cocoa (the higher it is, the healthier the chocolate), and make a habit of reading labels

But consume with caution, exaggerations are harmful to your health.

And if you have any doubts, consult a nutritionist.

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