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Drink water

       Summer is known as the hottest time of the year, it is very hot and the days are very long, but the Sun is not the only thing that gains fame this season. During this period, temperatures begin to increase, causing bodily wear and tear, which leads us to pay greater attention to the issue of hydration.

             When it comes to hydrating yourself, nothing compares to water, it is essential for our body. In addition to not containing any calories, without it, the body cannot function, as it is essential for digestion, absorption and transport of nutrients, as well as helping to maintain body temperature. When the body is well hydrated, this is reflected in its appearance.

            Still, coconut water and natural fruit juices are some hydration allies. Some foods, even the most solid ones, are capable of helping with this task. Lettuce, for example, contains larger portions of liquid (95% of water) than watermelon (92%). Tomato (94%) and melon (90%) also stand out. Meat and fish even offer water, although in smaller quantities, being, respectively, 40% and 60%.

            To maintain health and beauty this summer, the recipe is easy, just drink at least two liters of liquid per day, be it water, juices or teas and enjoy as well as the benefits that water can provide us. For those people who don't drink a lot of water, here's a tip: always have a bottle of water with you. So, little by little you get used to it and it starts to be missed in your daily life.



Learn how to make flavored water:

 Refreshing Flavored Water


  • 1 liter of water
  • Mint sprigs
  • Lemon slices
  • Ice cubes

  Method of preparation:

 Combine all the ingredients in a jar and let it rest in the fridge for an hour or until ready to serve. In addition to mint, lemon is not only refreshing but also organic.


 Citrus Flavored Water


– 1 glass jar,
– 1 liter of water,
– 1 lemon peel cut into a spiral,
– 1 orange peel cut into a spiral,
– 1 lemon wedge,
– 1 orange segment,
– 1 handful of cloves.

Method of preparation:

Mix all the ingredients with water and keep in the glass jar in the fridge for 1 hour. Remove the ingredients from the water or not, depending on your preference.

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