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Brazil is the country most concerned about waste

 Brazil is the country most concerned about food waste in the world, according to the World Menu Report, a survey carried out by Unilever Food Solutions – a division of the multinational dedicated to serving the food market outside the home – with four thousand interviewed from eight countries (Germany, Brazil, China, United States, Poland, United Kingdom, Russia and Turkey). 

The majority of Brazilians (96%) are concerned about the amount of food wasted and consider the sustainable disposal of waste produced in restaurants, cafeterias and other establishments in the sector to be relevant.

 “People really care about food waste, but it amazes me how interested they are in the issue when they eat out. This is a big warning for the professional food market”, says Jonathan Porrit, founder of Forum for the Future and sustainability specialist, who analyzed the research results.

According to data from the United Nations (UN), around a third of the food produced in the world goes to waste. In Brazil, approximately 64% of what is planted is lost along the production chain and 20% of the total is discarded during or after culinary processing.

Globally, the amount of food discarded from meals eaten outside the home is considered relevant for around 70% of the total respondents. This concern, however, is more common among inhabitants of emerging countries. Interestingly, developing countries are the most willing to pay more for meals made in sustainable restaurants.

According to the researchers, using leftover food in the kitchen is beneficial for both the establishment owners and society. Recent research shows that a large proportion of food waste is generated during the culinary preparation phase. Therefore, we have an important role in helping chefs and establishments in the food away from home sector to reduce the amount of food thrown away.


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