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Carotenoids – Challenges to increasing their consumption. Have you, who eats daily, ever stopped to think about how essential it is to include foods that are sources of carotenoids in your diet?

Do you know what a carotenoid is?



According to an article published in the magazine Cienc. Rural vol.42 no.5 Santa Maria May 2012 Epub May 22, 2012, carotenoids are natural pigments, derived from isoprene, and are structurally characterized by a long chain of conjugated double bonds, always with one or two cyclic structures (β- ring ionone) that end in conjugated bonds. They are fat-soluble compounds responsible for the attractive and characteristic color of many foods.

According to a survey carried out at Escola Sup
Agriculture researcher Luiz de Queiroz (Esalq) from USP, in Piracicaba, reveals that the consumption of carotenoids in the Brazilian population is below the average considered ideal.

The consumption of this substance is generally determined by more significant factors, such as: economic power, geographic location, level of education and lifestyle. In particular, with regard to current lifestyle, this factor has generated a negative and quite significant impact on the consumption of carotenoids. Because people have increasingly made less healthy food choices, seeking greater practicality, convenience, speed and convenience, which is not always associated with healthy food choices.

Other studies, on changes in Brazilian eating patterns, indicate that there is a strong association between the current lifestyle, sedentary lifestyle, less healthy food choices and the appearance of overweight, or even obesity. Consequently, obesity is associated with so-called metabolic diseases, such as diabetes and hypertension.

Therefore, it is important to reflect on the importance of including foods that are sources of carotenoids in the daily diet. These substances have characteristics that involve promoting health, as they have antioxidant properties, provitamin A and even the prevention of metabolic diseases and cancer. Its consumption is among the most important food compounds in your daily diet.

We list some fruits, vegetables and greens rich in carotenoids:

– red guava, watermelon, papaya, pumpkin, carrots, and tomatoes, especially their derivatives, such as tomato sauce, as they have greater bioavailability.

– spinach, watercress, lettuce, kale, corn and eggs

Note: remembering that you must consume at least 3 servings of fruits, vegetables and greens per day and 1 serving of eggs, according to the FOOD GUIDE FOR THE BRAZILIAN POPULATION.

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