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Peels and stalks yield nutritious and delicious recipes

How about a delicious pineapple peel dessert? Putting your creativity to work, creating dishes from unconventional parts of food is a doubly smart idea. Stalks, peels, leaves and seeds have a high nutritional value, often exceeding the values of the parts frequently eaten, says the nutritionist on the Minha Vida website, Roberta Stella. Furthermore, reducing waste is a shortcut towards saving money and a sustainable act.

Fruit peels have greater amounts of micronutrients than pulps. We find, for example, iron (important for immunity and prevention of anemia), calcium (fundamental in the formation and health of bones and for various metabolic activities that occur in our body) and potassium (useful for maintaining the heart beat and muscle movements, in addition to maintaining adequate sodium levels).

Sodium, in turn, is a nutrient that should be consumed in moderation, especially by those prone to hypertension. It is in smaller quantities in the shells.

To help you when choosing what goes on the table and what goes in the trash, we have prepared a small table comparing the nutritional properties of pineapple peel and pulp. And don't be alarmed, as this fat that we will mention in the table is of vegetable origin, that is, it is not saturated and, therefore, will not harm your heart.

Nutritional Value per 100g of food.

Always seeking to use as much food as possible and propagate this concept, we selected this recipe for you. After using the pineapple pulp to make juice, a sweet treat or a fruit salad, use the peel too! Without forgetting to clean it very well before consumption.


Pineapple Peel Juice Jelly


  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • 1/2 liter of pineapple peel juice
  • 1 unit of pineapple gelatin

Method of preparation:

Boil the peel of a pineapple with a little water. Blend the peel in a blender and strain. Dissolve the gelatin in a little juice and add the sugar, mixing well. Pour into bowls and place in the fridge to harden. Serve the next day.

Performance: 5 servings

Calorie value (per serving): 55 calories

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