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Chia: The Powerful Seed

           Chia is a seed originating in Mexico that was widely used by ancient civilizations, especially by those who needed strength and physical resistance. The word chia means strength.

            The seed is rich in omega 3 and also has fiber, calcium, magnesium, potassium and protein.

            In addition to helping you lose weight, chia helps reduce cholesterol, controls blood sugar, helps with bone formation and improves the body's immunity.

            But how can this seed help in the weight loss process? Well, it provides greater satiety, as it is rich in fiber, so when the seed comes into contact with water, a gel forms in the stomach, this makes the digestion process slower, so the individual will feel satisfied with smaller portions of food. Furthermore, fiber regulates intestinal transit and helps cleanse the body, thus occurring the detoxification process.

            On the market it is found in three versions:

– As a grain, you can mix a tablespoon with your favorite fruit. Average price: between R$ 18.00 and 22.00 reais (250g).

– As an oil, where it can be used in salads, it is recommended to use a tablespoon regardless of the amount of leaves present in the salad, however in the oil version we do not have the benefit of fiber. Average price: between R$30.00 and 70.00 reais (250 ml).

– As flour, the recommendation is to add a tablespoon to yogurts and smoothies. Average price: between R$ 17.00 and 21.50 reais (200g).

            Regardless of the form chosen, chia should be consumed half an hour before two main meals, whether breakfast, lunch or dinner.

            The seed can also be used to prepare juices, soups, shakes, smoothies, yogurt and fruit salads. According to Flávia Morais in an interview with the Shape Magazine website (, chia replaces the egg in recipes, for 1 large egg you need to use 1 tablespoon of crushed chia, and mix it with 1/4 cup (tea) of water. Just let the ingredients soak for 5 minutes until they form a gel and use it in the preparation.

            It is extremely important to highlight that if the seed is ingested in greater quantities than recommended, you may gain weight instead of losing it. To obtain a faster result, it is interesting, together with the seed, to follow a balanced diet, without excesses.

            See how simple it is to make a healthy sweet using seeds:

Chia Pudding

2/3 cup chia seeds

2 cups of soy drink

2 teaspoons of vanilla extract

2 dessert spoons of raisins

2 dessert spoons of unsweetened grated coconut

Method of preparation:

In a bowl, place the chia seeds, rice drink, vanilla extract and mix well. Cover and refrigerate for 8 hours. Serve in dessert bowls with raisins and grated coconut sprinkled on top.

Recipe taken from the website:

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