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How to alleviate the symptoms of PMS (Premenstrual Tension)?

TPMPremenstrual tension (PMS), or premenstrual syndrome, is a set of physical and psychological symptoms that can occur in the cyclical period before menstruation, causing great discomfort and normally ending on the first day of the flow. This syndrome affects women from 30 to 80%, mainly after 30 years of age.

Symptoms of PMS include greater sensitivity in the breasts, headaches and abdominal pain, fluid retention, acne, changes in mood, difficulty concentrating, changes in appetite and eating behavior, among others, and each woman may experience a different set of these symptoms.

A balanced diet with the consumption of some specific foods can help alleviate these symptoms. Here are some tips:

  • Eat at least 6 meals a day and do not skip meals;
  • Increase your fluid intake during the PMS period;
  • Reduce your consumption of sweets, fatty foods, foods rich in salt and high in caffeine.
  • Increase your consumption of foods rich in:
  • Vitamin B6 – wheat germ, offal (liver), fish (tuna and salmon), whole grains, oats, eggs, milk and dairy products, nuts and peanuts.
  • Vitamin A – carrots, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, offal (liver), eggs, milk and dairy products, tuna, pumpkin, spinach, broccoli, etc.
  • Vitamin E – oils, olive oil, olives, chestnuts and walnuts, avocado, egg yolks, leafy vegetables and whole grains.
  • Tryptophan – bananas, chickpeas, nuts and peanuts, meat, fish, milk and dairy products.
  • Zinc – oysters, red meat, eggs, chicken, milk and dairy products, nuts, whole grains.
  • Magnesium – dark green leafy vegetables, pumpkin seeds, tofu, chestnuts.
  • Calcium – milk and dairy products, foods of marine origin, dark green leafy vegetables, tofu, açaí.