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October 9th – Athletics Day

In this post, we will give a brief explanation about athletics and talk about coconut water, hydroelectric replenishers and energy replenishers, three products widely used by athletics practitioners.

 Athletics is a sport whose origins come from Greek antiquity and the first Olympic games, held in 776 BC. Therefore, it can be said that it is the oldest form of sports organization. It is considered a basic sport, as its practice reflects the essential movements of human beings in the following specialties: walking, running, jumping and throwing. Nowadays, athletics is divided into: track and field events, street races and race walking. The spaces intended for track and field competitions must have a track for racing, the official distance of which is 400 meters, and a space for field events (jumps and throws). ). The Brazilian Athletics Confederation recommends the construction of a track with synthetic flooring and eight lanes on the running track, to meet the official requirements for the competition.



                Coconut water: a warning to athletes

| By Dr. Priscila de Mattos Machado Andrade 

Most people who practice physical and sports activities know that inadequate hydration is associated with lower performance and an increased risk of physiological disorders. But, with excessive sweating, resulting from sports practice, regular water intake is often not enough, especially when rehydrating after practice, as perspiration of individuals – due to hot environments – causes an excessive loss of nutrients, making these individuals subject to muscle cramps and other unwanted reactions.
If we fail to replace these substances, there will be a deficiency of water and sodium, resulting in spontaneous contractions: cramps. People with excessive sweating lose large amounts of sodium and chloride and generally have relatively low or inadequate daily intake of them. The deficiency of other minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium also contributes to the onset of cramps and other neuromotor problems.
When calcium, lost through prolonged excessive sweating, is not replaced sufficiently, or liquids that do not contain it, such as water, are ingested, serious complications can occur. Even the skin is affected: there is a decrease in its elasticity.
It is important to drink a lot of water (at least 2 liters per day), as it is essential for good intestinal function, as without enough water, the feces dry out, which makes it more difficult to eliminate. o, increasing the risk of constipation.
But as we saw previously, for the body to have all nutrients replaced correctly, there is a need to supplement liquid intake with isotonic drinks and juices. - drinking coconut water before, during and after physical activities.
There are many myths surrounding coconut water. In a wrong way, this is one of the fruits whose consumption is suggested indiscriminately, because it is healthy and does not make you fat. But what is really true or false in what they say?
It is a diuretic drink, low in calories, rich in nutrients, free of fat and with a large amount of potassium, which helps the intestines function properly and causes food to be digested more quickly. Its intake helps with food metabolism and increases the feeling of satiety.
The daily recommendation for anyone is between one and three 300ml glasses, taking into account that a glass of fruit water is equivalent to a whole orange, or half an apple. Vitamin C is another substance found in the fruit.
Because it is rich in sodium and potassium, coconut water should be ingested in moderation by hypertensive people. It is also not completely suitable for diabetics as it contains many carbohydrates.
For athletes, the big problem with coconut water is the high concentration of potassium. If the athlete already has a tendency to increase the concentration of potassium in the blood during exercise, and also ingests high concentrations of potassium in the hydrating drink, it can easily lead to hyperkalemia ( existence of a high concentration of potassium in the blood).
Depending on the concentration level, this can cause important changes in heart function. It is also important to pay attention to the potassium concentration of some isotonic drinks. These are extremely high concentrations, making them a true hydration “bomb”. Therefore, it is not recommended that it be consumed indiscriminately.

Coconut Water – Nutritional Table – Composition for 200ml 

Calorie value: 40 kcal
Carbohydrate: 10g
Protein: 0g
Lipids: 0g
Cholesterol: 0g
Fiber: 0g
Potassium: 320mg
Phosphorus: 10mg (0.7% RDA*)
Calcium: 40mg (5% RDA*)
Sodium: 40mg (3.2% RDA*)
Magnesium: 10mg (3.2% RDA*)

The alternative then will be to combine drinks. At least 1 liter of pure water throughout the day and during physical activities and the other liter in the form of green tea or herbal tea, flowers and fruits and thinner juices (such as lemonade, orangeade and passion fruit) sugar-free reference.
And be careful: frequent workouts or intense sweating in the summer require an increase in the liquid quota by at least half a liter to replace lost water.


Hydroelectrolytic replacements and energy replacements




Although the use of these drinks for those involved in physical activity is commonly done indiscriminately and indifferently, it is important to note that there is a difference between these two types and the purpose for which they are proposed.

Hydroelectrolyte replenishers are products formulated from varying concentrations of electrolytes (sodium and chloride), associated with varying concentrations of carbohydrates, with the aim of water and electrolyte replacement resulting from the process. ethics of physical activity. These hydroelectrolyte replenishers are ready for consumption in liquid or powder form. As an example there is Gatorade and SportDrink.

This type of liquid is recommended for athletes who perform intense and prolonged aerobic physical activity or when there is an intense loss of sweat (it is also usually recommended for patients with diarrhea). This type of liquid should preferably be consumed with advice from a nutritionist. It is important to highlight that the use of this type of drink has increased by approximately 60% in recent years, being used indiscriminately.

However, it is important to be careful, as the amount of sodium in these drinks is quite large (exceeding 9x the amount found in a cola-based drink) and this sodium “supplementation” is only valid when there really is a need for too great a loss.

Energy replenishers are products that have at least 90% of carbohydrate in their composition, and may be added with vitamins and minerals in order to allow the achievement and/or maintenance of appropriate levels of energy for athletes.

These products are found in liquid, powder, bar or gel form, such as: Sportenergy, Cabo Fuel, Carb Up and are usually quick sources of energy supply and absorption. This type of replacement is usually used during competitions or training in which breaks for food consumption are not possible.


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