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World Food Day

World Food Day is celebrated on October 16 each year to commemorate the creation in 1945 of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The objective of World Food Day is to draw the attention and awaken the understanding of people around the world about the various ways to combat hunger on the planet and ensure food security for all. Every year, more than 150 countries celebrate this event.

Today, approximately 800 million people around the world live in a situation of food insecurity and do not have access to healthy, quality food in sufficient quantities on a permanent basis.

This year, FAO chose the theme of “Agricultural Cooperatives that Feed the World” for the celebration and thus emphasize the importance of food production in eradicating hunger and ensuring the nutritional quality of the population. Agricultural cooperatives play a vital role in improving food and nutrition security. They can also generate employment, reduce poverty and help poor and marginalized groups in rural areas, especially women, to lead their own destinies.

Brazil reduced the number of undernourished people from 23 million (in 1990) to 13 million (in 2012), representing a drop of 13%, which is why the discussion around World Food Day is so important in our country to improve the nutritional and life quality of the population, through the alliance between economic growth and social programs.

Be aware! Let's help fight hunger in our country and avoid food waste!

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