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Tips for Taking Care of Your Intestine

• Move yourself: Moving your body at least three times a week increases the dynamism of the intestinal muscles and stimulates peristaltic activation, those involuntary movements that push the feces towards the exit.

Reduce red meat: They carry many harmful substances such as nitrites and nitrates, harmful preservatives that, when accumulated, can cause diseases. Furthermore, meat is difficult to digest, which can compromise the intestinal flora when there is already an intestinal imbalance (constipation or diarrhea), further accentuating symptoms.

• Avoid carbohydrates and refined sugar:Sugar, both refined and from simple carbohydrates (bread, pasta, cookies, pasta, sweets) is highly fermentative, which increases intestinal dysbiosis and harms the growth of good bacteria that are there to help with digestion and absorption. of nutrients.

• Abuse water:Without fluid intake, the body cannot take advantage of the powers of fiber. In contact with water, they swell and contribute to the formation of fecal cake.

• Include PRObiotics:These good bacteria promote the balance of intestinal flora. Yogurts and other dairy products enriched with microorganisms are already used in the prevention and treatment of diseases such as atopic dermatitis and food allergies.

• Don't forget PREbiotics too! They are important as a source of energy for maintaining intestinal balance.

They can be found in foods such as berries, artichokes, garlic, chicory, burdock, oats and green bananas.

• Bet on fibers: Insoluble dietary fibers have the ability to absorb water and form gels, improving intestinal transit, as they increase fecal weight and volume. They help to remove toxic substances from the colon mucosa, which is important in preventing cancer in the region.


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