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White Bean Flour Satisfying, but in Moderation

Did you know that the White beans help you lose weight? The version of one of the most consumed foods in Brazil contains a protein called phaseolamine which reduces the absorption of glucose (starch) by the body, being important for controlling diabetes.

However, as it is a proteinThe, phaseolamine has significant property losses when cooked. Therefore, to make the most of the benefits of this food, the best way to consume it is in the form of flour. To obtain this consistency, after washing and drying the beans, blend them in a blender, sieve and store in the refrigerator. The recommendation is to dry the cross grains only with the help of a paper towel or place them in the sun. “Never dry beans in the oven or by heating in any other way, as they lose their weight loss effect.” Once washed, place up to 250 g at a time in the blender and sieve. It is not recommended to store flour for more than 30 days. A dose of 1 level spoon (coffee) has about 4 calories.

A study carried out at the University of California, Los Angeles, USA, published the results of a study carried out with 50 obese people. All were followed for eight weeks, but only half of them included the daily dose of flour in their diet. Those who took the product lost almost 2 kg more weight than the rest.

What are the Benefits?

The benefits of white bean flour for the diet are related, mainly the amount of fiber it contains. Fiber is an essential part of the proper functioning of the intestine and helps to give a greater feeling of satiety, important for weight loss.

No exaggeration

But even with this nutritious food, it is important to have moderation. Ideally, it should be prepared in the form of white bean flour and not consumed for an indefinite period of time. When taken 30 minutes before main meals, it reduces sugar absorption by up to 20%. It is recommended to put a spoonful (coffee) of the powder in a glass of water and take it before lunch and dinner. This is because raw beans contain toxins, which in large quantities can be harmful to health, causing diarrhea. “There are people who report having had an increase in flatulence after they started eating the flour”. Another point to be noted by those prone to gas. The product can also be found in extract, in compounding pharmacies, and in capsules, in natural product stores.


Bread with white bean flour   


10 spoons of wheat flour

3 tablespoons of white bean bran or flour

6 spoons of water

1 teaspoon of yeast

A pinch of salt and a pinch of sugar

Method of preparation 

Mix everything until it forms a smooth dough. Place in a mold and let rest for 30 minutes. After that, with the dough risen, make balls, brush with olive oil and sprinkle a little wheat flour on top. Lastly, make an “x” shaped cut in the center of the ball and place it in the oven for around 15 minutes. Oven should be at 180ºC, medium oven.

Sweet Rice with White Bean Flour   

2 cups. brown rice (tea)
1 liter of skimmed milk
2 cups. brown sugar (tea)
20 col. white bean (coffee)

 Method of preparation

1. Wash the rice well. Place it in a pressure cooker with three inches of water above its volume.
2. Cook over low heat until the water dries up.
3. Add the milk and brown sugar, mixing well. Reserve.
4. When the sweet is cold, add 20 spoons (coffee) of white bean flour.


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