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June and its festivities


And as is tradition, the month of June is accompanied by many parties throughout Brazil. They are honored in the month of June, Santo Antônio, whose party takes place on the 13th, the party is for São João on the 24th; and on the 29th, to São Pedro. 

The traditional Festas Juninas are marked by dancing, bonfires, games, flags and especially their typical foods. But how can you enjoy the June delights without forgetting your health? 

In moderation and knowing how to choose the foods you eat well, it is possible to enjoy the festive season without wasting your time on a large amount of sugar and fat. Therefore, here are some recipe suggestions:

Corn cake


2 cups of skimmed milk

4 small eggs

200 g cornmeal

2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese

6 tablespoons of canola oil

1 tablespoon full of cornstarch

3 teaspoons of Cinnamon powder

1 tablespoon of chemical baking powder

8 tablespoons powdered sweetener for cooking (Sucralose)

Method of preparation:

Blend the eggs, oil, milk, cheese and sweetener in a blender. Add the cornmeal, cornstarch and cinnamon powder. Finally, gently add the yeast and transfer to a pan greased with oil and sprinkled with corn flour. Bake in a preheated medium oven until golden. Leave to cool, unmold and serve cold.

Sweet Rice with Peanut Paçoca


1 liter of water
1 cinnamon stick
4 cloves
grated peel of 1/2 lemon
1 cup of rice tea
½ cup powdered sweetener suitable for cooking
2 cups of skimmed milk
3 pieces of peanut paçoca, or 2 tablespoons of roasted and ground peanuts
cinnamon powder for sprinkling

Method of preparation:

In a medium saucepan, place the water, cinnamon, cloves and grated lemon peel. When it boils, add the rice and let it cook until the water starts to dry. Add the sweetener and milk little by little until it becomes creamy. Add the peanuts, stir and serve sprinkled with cinnamon powder.

Quentão No Alcohol


1 bottle of 500 ml of grape juice

3 bottles of 500 ml of water

500 g of sugar

100 g of ginger

Cinnamon stick (to taste)

10 g of cloves

2 lemons in slices

Method of preparation:

Place the juice, water and sugar in a pan. Leave it heating. Then place the cloves, ginger, cinnamon and lemon slices in a tissue, or a very clean kitchen towel. Then, place this sachet inside the pan. Let it boil for about 10 minutes and the hot dish is ready.

Note: the sachet for the ingredients is used so that there is no residue left when serving the drink.

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