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The Power of Brazil Nuts

The seed of the leafy Amazonian chestnut tree, scientifically named Bertholletia excelsa, is appreciated worldwide for its gastronomic and nutritional properties. Brazil nuts, also known as Brazil nuts, are the largest known food source of the mineral selenium, which makes this oilseed.

There is a large number of scientific research that demonstrates a positive association between adequate selenium consumption and the prevention of diseases, such as various types of cancer, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease and male infertility. This mineral is also important for the proper functioning of the immune system, increasing the individual's resistance to infections.

One gram of Brazil nuts can contain between 8 and 126mcg of selenium. Therefore, a medium-sized nut, weighing 4g, can contain between 32 and 504mcg of this nutrient, which is normally enough to obtain the benefits of consuming this food without the risk of poisoning.

The high intake of Brazil nuts is because they are considered high-risk foods for lipid peroxidation and consequent production of toxic substances and contamination by fungi that produce highly carcinogenic mycotoxins, which reinforces the idea that consuming just one nut a day is enough. To reduce the risk of poisoning by these substances, when purchasing, you should select whole, good-looking products without visible fungi and stains. 



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