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Coconut oil helps with weight loss!

Recent studies and research show that the body needs nutrients to function regularly! Good quality proteins, low glycemic index carbohydrates (whole grains), fiber, vitamins, minerals and also the dreaded fats. These, of course, are in the good version as fats classified as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated.

atualidade oleo de coco

 Research shows that high consumption of saturated and trans fats increases the risk of developing diseases such as heart disease, type II diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, neurological disorders and cancer. This is mainly because they are oxidative and inflammatory and thus cause cellular damage and generate these dysfunctions in tissues, arteries, organs and organic systems.

   Vegetable oils are being extensively studied and are proving to be great allies in meeting the need for ingesting good fats and also promoting our health, including the weight loss process. Sesame, macadamia, linseed, hazelnut, pumpkin seeds, pistachio, almond, chestnut, sunflower, coconut oil are oils rich in essential fatty acids (omegas 3, 6 and 9), thus, they are powerful antioxidants that help to strengthen our cardiovascular, cerebral, immune system, exchange of nutrients between our cells, they are anti-inflammatory and also help with weight loss.

   In this quest for weight loss, coconut oil deserves to be highlighted, so talked about and requested by everyone who has heard, read or found out about its benefits. And to demystify the relationship between calories and weight loss, each 100ml of coconut oil has 1,100 calories and 120 grams of lipids.

• It is currently widely used in the weight loss process, as it: acts to support the thyroid gland (improving its functioning as well as maintaining the stability of metabolism);

• Has anti-inflammatory action: since excess weight/overweight and obesity, as they have a large number of fat cells, end up causing an inflammatory process in the body as a whole;

• Increases metabolic activity, promoting weight loss: it is used by cells as a preferred source of energy (recommended for those who practice physical activity), with no accumulation of this fat, increasing satiety;

• Reduces abdominal fat: according to research carried out, it was found that in some cultures of adipocytes treated with one of the components of coconut oil, caprylic acid, it was observed that there was an inactivation of PPAR (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma). Therefore, it is believed that caprylic acid can contribute to reducing the response of lipogenic genes in adipocytes.

    The effects mentioned above are attributed to the type of fat found in it: medium chain fatty acids (MCT), since when absorbed by the intestine they are transported directly to the liver, not being stored in the form of fat but rather being used as source of energy, generating heat and thus ending up burning calories, which consequently favors fat burning and weight reduction. There are some authors who propose that TCM has a modulating effect on the action of ghrelin, which indicates another metabolic effect of great value in aiding the weight reduction process. However, it is important to remember that such benefits are linked to a balanced diet and periodic physical exercise.

Coconut oil is a very easy food to introduce into our daily lives. For those who prefer, you can eat it raw with a spoon or use it in recipes for bread, cookies, cakes, as a seasoning for salads, add it to juices, yogurts, smoothies, in fruit salads and can even be used to replace oils used in culinary preparations.

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