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Brazilians don't give up rice, beans and coffee!

According to the results shown by the last POF 2008 – 2009 (if you have doubts about what POF is, read the previous post), the three most consumed foods in Brazil are coffee, beans and rice (in that order). According to the survey, daily Brazilians consume, on average, 215 ml of coffee (4 to 6 cups of coffee), 182 grams of beans (on average 2 and a half scoops) and 160 grams of rice (on average, 6 spoons of soup).

But are these foods consumed good or bad?

- Rice and beans: rice and beans are an excellent combination, as together they contain amino acids of high biological value, which are commonly found in products of animal origin. Beans are rich in the amino acid lysine, which is little present in rice. Rice is rich in the amino acid methionine, found in small quantities in beans. Thus, they complete each other. In addition to these amino acids, this combination is also a source of iron and vitamins. Therefore, both form the perfect couple and should be consumed daily, but in the ideal quantity.

Rice is one of the foods rich in carbohydrates, which should have a daily consumption of 5 to 9 servings. As the research carried out also showed that approximately 50% of the Brazilian population is above the ideal weight, the most recommended would be the minimum consumption of daily portions (5 portions), with a portion of this group being consumed for each meal. In the case of rice, generally consumed at lunch and dinner, the serving size is 1 skimmer or 4 tablespoons per meal.

Beans are part of the group of legumes, foods that are sources of protein. Your daily consumption should be 1 serving per day, which is equivalent to a ladle.

- Coffee: coffee is a globally consumed beverage, rich in caffeine and other bioactive compounds.

Caffeine, a compound also present in teas and soft drinks, stimulates the central nervous system, acts as a diuretic, increases the metabolic rate, relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchi, biliary tract, gastrointestinal tract and parts of the vascular system.

Other bioactive compounds present in coffee, such as melanoidins and chlorogenic acids, have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities, among others. Therefore, it is a drink that, if consumed in moderation, can bring health benefits. According to the Food Guide for the Brazilian Population, coffee intake should be between two and three cups per day.

A very important point that should be highlighted is the addition of sugar to coffee. Try not to add sugar to coffee or other drinks. In case of difficulty, make a progressive reduction. After a while your taste buds will adapt and drinks in general will taste better.


– Recipes with coffee:

Coffee with ginger

  • 4 tablespoons of ground coffee
  • 1 pinch of ginger
  • 4 spoons of honey

Mix the coffee with the ginger and prepare a small cup of coffee. Put honey in the cups.

Homemade cappucino

  • 7 tablespoons of strong, hot coffee
  • 2 level spoons of sugar
  • 9 spoonfuls of powdered milk
  • 3 spoonfuls of coffee liqueur

Mix all ingredients in a blender until foamy and serve immediately. Decorate with cinnamon powder

Iced coffee with cinnamon

  • 2 ½ cups of strong, hot coffee
  • 3 cinnamon chips
  • 4 cloves
  • 2 spoonfuls of sugar
  • Ice

Add cloves and cinnamon to the coffee and let it rest covered for an hour. Remove the cloves and cinnamon, add the sugar and mix well. Pour ice into glasses and serve coffee.



Family budget survey 2008 – 2009. Analysis of personal food consumption.,,OI5265882-EI306,00-IBGE+arroz+feijao+e+cafe+sao+preferencia+alimentar+do+Pais.htmll

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