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Good afternoon people!!!

Well, maybe you don't know who is behind all these posts sent recently. During this period, we sought to bring quality content through simple and relaxed language, with practical tips and recipes so that you, the reader, could apply them in your daily life. This is and will always be our main objective.

However, as everything good is short-lived, we are here to say goodbye... yes, time passed very quickly, and with it, we were able to learn many things, both inside and outside social media... we had incredible experiences, that we will certainly carry throughout our lives.

We want to thank you, reader, for your visits and for the opportunity to share a little of what we are and do with all of you. Because as Cora Coralina said: “Happy is he who transfers what he knows and learns what he teaches.â€

Hugs to everyone!!!

Natalia & Monica

Het bleek dat die vrouwen die hun echtgenoten aantrekkelijker waren, constant ongelukkig waren met hun eigen uiterlijk. Take care of yourselves to learn more about fitnesslessen, alleen maar om hun echtgenoot te passen. Ze werden nog steeds voortdurend gekweld door angst dat deze aantrekkelijkere echtgenoot iemand aantrekkelijker (blijkbaar, in lijn voor low-calorie smoothies zou ontmoeten).


*photo caption (from left to right): Natalia, Monica and Camila (Prato Cheio nutritionist).

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