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One of the myths related to the consumption of eggs is that they increase blood cholesterol. For this reason, many still avoid eggs, despite the results of the last 30 years of research never proving a link between egg consumption and heart disease. Consuming eggs daily does not increase the risk of heart disease in healthy people. It is recommended to consume eggs three times a week, but remember that most preparations contain these ingredients (e.g. breads, cakes).

Eggs are one of nature's most nutritious foods and an excellent source of high-quality protein. Almost all the nutrients the body needs can be found in eggs. They contain essential vitamins and minerals, high-quality proteins, unsaturated (healthy) fats and antioxidants, with just 70 calories. The egg’s benefits package is extensive.

Storing and handling eggs:

Always buy eggs of known origin and inspected by official services;

Keep them in a clean, cool and ventilated place, preferably in the refrigerator after purchasing them;

When buying eggs, check the expiration date and that their shells are not dirty, cracked or broken;

Wash work surfaces, utensils and hands with soap and water before handling the raw product;

Wash eggs only before using them;

Eat eggs and foods made from them well fried and boiled.

Food prepared with eggs should be stored in the refrigerator for better conservation.


Egg Moqueca


2 tablespoons of palm oil

1 red pepper

1 onion

1 cup of tomato paste

½ glass of coconut milk

6 egg

How much salt

How much white pepper

Enough chopped coriander

Method of preparation

In a high frying pan, place the palm oil. Sauté the pepper in it for two minutes and add the onion. Saute until it is transparent. Add the tomato puree and coconut milk. Add a cup of water and let it boil so that the flavors mix properly. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Break the eggs into a separate bowl, one by one and place them over the sauce. Cover and let them cook until the yolks are soft and the whites are very white, that is, about a minute. Sprinkle chopped coriander and serve with white rice and Farofa d'Água or cooked cassava.

Camel Baba


 1 can of condensed milk

6 eggs

Chopped chestnuts for sprinkling (optional)

Method of preparation

Cook the can of condensed milk in a pressure cooker for 40 minutes (it should be well cooked and consistent, caramel colored). Wait for the can to cool completely before opening it.

Mix the egg yolks with the cooked condensed milk. Beat the egg whites until stiff and gently fold them into the cream. Distribute the cream in bowls and sprinkle with chopped chestnuts. Refrigerate overnight and serve very cold.

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