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The projects developed by Prato Cheio are interconnected and can be
organized into 3 axes of action:

Axis 1 – Urban Harvest

The Urban Harvest, developed by Solidarity Route Project, has been the main axis of Prato Cheio’s work, and was the project that gave rise to the organization 24 years ago. The Project is responsible for the organization for the organization's success in its work to combat food waste.

Axis 2 – Education and Systematization of Knowledge

Education projects such as Solidarity Workshops Project and the Prato Cheio para Todos Project make up a second axis of work that seeks to permanently systematize the accumulated knowledge and generate content for different audiences with the aim of educating people to promote good practices in food consumption

Axis 3 – Innovation and Sustainable Development

A third axis includes the use of technological tools to improve information collection and circulation systems, besides giving transparency and visibility of the results and impacts achieved, which ensures greater engagement of actors in the donation
of food, promoting more sustainable food systems.

The use of new technological tools is essential to replicate and scalable the Prato Cheio Association's work methodology, such as the Impact Platform and the Distance Education Platform.

Access the Impact Platform and also the Course Platform


The Solidarity Route Project Involves collecting and distributing food through Urban Harvest (collection of fresh food that would otherwise be discarded and its subsequent transfer to social assistance institutions).

Food donors and beneficiary entities

This has been the Association's main axis of action and is largely responsible for Prato Cheio's success in its work to combat food waste and hunger, benefiting thousands of people in socially vulnerable situations.

It aims to raise awareness among establishments in the food segment (industries, retailers, wholesalers and producers) to reduce waste, coordinating a food collection and distribution system.
It is an ongoing effort to prospect new donors and new partner institutions and to implement the logistics process for transporting food between donors and recipients. During its 24 years of operation, Prato Cheio has collected and donated more than 6 million kilos of food! Follow our results on Annual Activity Reports.


The Solidarity Workshops Project is an important part of Prato Cheio's action, as it aims To ensure that the food donated to institutions is used to prepare meals avoiding food waste.

The Solidarity Workshops Project holds free monthly culinary workshops for cooks from partner institutions. The workshops were held in the dietetics laboratory of the Faculty of Public Health-USP and the Universidade Cidade de São Paulo-Unicid.

Other activities developed, such as anthropometric assessments of those served and nutritional education of beneficiaries of partner institutions are part of the Project.


The Prato Cheio para Todos Project aims to promote awareness among the general public about healthy eating, reducing waste and making full use of food through educational practices. It provides for lectures and culinary workshops at events, seminars, fairs and other gatherings.

It contributes to the engagement of volunteers and raises awareness of private sector organizations to exercise social responsibility.

The Association published articles, participated in fairs, meetings and events to spread knowledge and raise awareness. 

  • Prato Cheio was at APAS SHOW 2024 (@apasshow)! The largest food and beverage event in the Americas and the largest supermarket fair in the world!
  • Walter Belik, president of Prato Cheio, presented the lecture “Zero food waste: the path to sustainability and competitiveness”.
  • Nuria Chaim, manager of Prato Cheio, presented the Impact Platform of the Prato Cheio Association.
  • Sheila Pistori, coordinator of Prato Cheio, was at the forefront of Apas events in the interior of São Paulo, Apas Experience, in cities such as Marilia, Sorocaba, Presidente Prudente, Araçatuba and Campinas.
  • Award: Prato Cheio was the winner in the Human Right to Food category! Second edition of the Paulistana Social Gastronomy Award, held by the Gastronomy Observatory, a collegiate body of the Secretariat for Economic Development and Labor of the City of São Paulo
  • Awards: Prato Cheio was awarded as Cargill Foundation Highlight 2024! To receive the Award, the Director of Prato Cheio Leny Pripas and Chairman of the Board Dafna Kann, were at the ceremony!
  • Tribute received by Mesa Brasil Sesc SP at an event held at Sesc Pinheiros! The Prato Cheio Coordinator Sheila Pistori was present to receive the honor.

Follow the results of our Projects, learn about Annual Activity Reports!