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The Prato Cheio Association partners with companies to carry out:

  • Culinary workshops
  • Speeches
  • Projects
  • Events

Counterparts for your Company:

  • Display of the company logo on the Prato Cheio website and social media
  • Brand association with Prato Cheio activity reports
  • Right to use the Prato Cheio Seal in institutional materials
  • Donation receipt for deduction of up to 2% from Income Tax for companies with Real Profit (Law nº 9,790/99)
Can I carry out an Urban Harvest project in my municipality?

Yes! Prato Cheio’s work methodology can be easily replicated. And it can be done, initially, by a group of volunteers from your city or even your neighborhood.

Urban Harvesting is based on the collection of food that would normally be discarded by commerce and industries, as they lose their selling power (they are too ripe, out of standard or close to their expiration date). But that doesn’t mean they are unfit for consumption!

The first step is to identify where food is discarded, talk to those responsible for the establishment and present your project, explaining how you can contribute.

After this approach, if the establishment is interested, suitable days and times are defined to collect food.

To carry out the collection, it is important that the team knows how to make the selection, knows how to identify which foods can be used and which cannot. It is important to select food, weigh and record quickly and efficiently, avoiding interfering and disrupting the donor's routine.

After this stage, the food is delivered directly to previously defined partner institutions.

The choice of institutions that will benefit is also very important and will define the logistics of the operation.