The Impact Platform of the Prato Cheio Association aims to give visibility to the transformative impact of the rescue and food donation actions of the Rota Solidária Project (you can find the description of the Project here).
Some of the information available in the reports is:
• Quantity of food donated: annual, monthly and weekly total.
• Solidarity Route: network of donor companies and benefited social institutions.
• Total number of food donors.
• Total number of social institutions benefited.
• Mix of donated foods: percentage of the main food categories.
• Environmental impact of donations: carbon footprint, water footprint and ecological footprint
Food Donor Panel
Beneficary Institutions Panel
Public Acess Panel
Donors and entities: Request access by sending an email to
To everyone who participates in this solidarity network, thank you very much! And to everyone who has not yet participated, we invite you to support and join our project!
Reference and consultation material: Footprints of food and culinary preparations consumed in Brazil / Josefa Maria Fellegger Garzillo et al. [electronic resource]. — São Paulo: USP Faculty of Public Health, 2019. 74 p. :il. color. 3638c7630efb97abefe9695ba3c5b28e.pdf (
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