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Associação Prato Cheio is launching its first Distance Education Platform!

We have brought together diverse content with the aim of encouraging the production of tasty, healthy and safe meals. And with less food waste! The courses cover good practices in food handling, storage techniques, menu creation, delicious recipes that make full use of food and various other topics.

Take advantage of the content of the online courses, ask your questions and make a difference in your community! Whether in your home, at school, at the company, in the neighborhood and perhaps in your city.

When you finish a course, you will receive a certificate of participation by email.

The courses were designed with the technical support of the Centro Universitário Senac Santo Amaro – Professor Marselle Bevilacqua Amadio. The voice of the narrations is by Tatiana Mendonça Garcia.


Axis 2 – Education and Systematization of Knowledge

Education projects such as Prato Cheio para Todos Project make up a second axis of work that seeks to permanently systematize the accumulated knowledge and generate content for different audiences with the aim of educating people to promote good practices in food consumption

The Prato Cheio para Todos Project aims to promote awareness among the general public about healthy eating, reducing waste and making full use of food through educational practices. It provides for lectures and culinary workshops at events, seminars, fairs and other gatherings.

It contributes to the engagement of volunteers and raises awareness of private sector organizations to exercise social responsibility.

Follow the results of our Projects, learn about Annual Activity Reports!