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Poor eating habits in children (lack of appetite) can harm their growth and development at this important stage of their lives. With this difficulty in mind, here is some information and tips so that mothers or other people responsible for the child can overcome this problem and make the meal a moment of pleasure and fun for the whole family. However, it is important to emphasize that these tips do not take away the importance of individual nutritional monitoring, which must be carried out by a professional nutritionist.

1- Eating should always be an act of pleasure. Try to make the food look good, preferably at the beginning try to assemble the dish, so that it appears colorful and attractive, even if the color is forgotten on the plate. It is worth sprinkling some dried herbs to decorate, or a drizzle of ketchup or mustard to decorate the edges of the dish (be careful when using these seasonings – ketchup and mustard – as they contain a lot of preservatives and sodium (salt), and should be used in moderation).

2- Try to vary the recipes that use vegetables and fruits. There are some that are great when it comes to seducing children and teenagers. Good examples are savory pies with vegetables and meat, vegetable soufflés, skewers that alternate meat with vegetables, carrot cakes, fruit cakes, juices with fruits and vegetables. Magazines, books and websites can help.

3-Make mealtime pleasant and light. Preferably with the family at the table and especially without charges.

4- Good information can help. Some articles and reports are always available in magazines and websites, look for those that may interest you, that is, have the most appropriate language and leave them at hand. And once again, no charge.

Feeding is a fundamental act of life. Doing it properly and pleasantly is a challenge that we face throughout our lives, some with more ease, others with less. Conducting this moment with lightness and art can help to start an interest in healthier eating, even as the interest in looking good will increase, and relating it to food can be an excellent strategy.
Remember that every small step is important. Don't expect radical and immediate changes. Each small portion ingested, or each new food accepted is an evolution. Others will come.
Patience, inspiration and example.

Source: Nutrition in Focus –

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