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August 29th – National Anti-Smoking Day!


Today is National Anti-Smoking Day! So, to help those who want to kick this addiction, we will publish some tips on foods that may or may not help them at this decisive moment in their lives. 

According to research carried out by North Americans, there are certain foods that increase the desire to smoke, while there are others that reduce this desire.

Coffee, alcoholic beverages, sweets, meat and cola-based soft drinks are foods that generally increase the desire to smoke, because some of these lead to a reduction in blood Ph (amount of hydrogen ions in a solution), which reduces the concentration of nicotine. in the blood, consequently increasing the desire to smoke. On the other hand, foods such as milk, yogurt, fruits, vegetables and natural juices tend to make the taste of smoke unpleasant.

It is clear that each person is a unique and special being, so what may decrease the desire to smoke for some may increase it for others. Therefore, the important thing is to evaluate yourself to discover which foods influence you positively and negatively, in order to create a better plan to stop smoking, after all, cigarettes cause not only chemical dependence, but also physical and psychological dependence. Therefore, a good tip is to list not only the foods, but also the situations and places that lead you to smoke more.

Regardless of this, we emphasize that a rich and balanced diet, with milk and its derivatives, fruits and vegetables, among others, on a daily basis, is extremely important for good health not only for smokers but also for non-smokers.



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