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COLIC – Foods that help improve or worsen symptoms.

Good morning friends at Plate Full!

Today we are going to give tips on foods that can improve or worsen COLIC symptoms!

Menstrual cramps are characterized by the symptom of pain located in the lower abdomen, which can also be felt in the back or lower limbs. Pain can occur before or during menarche (menstruation).

Prostaglandins are substances that are synthesized by the tissues present in our body, and act as local hormones, such as in the endometrium (richly vascularized tissue that lines the inner wall of the uterus), being responsible for uterine contractions causing pain – menstrual cramps.



Food is an important ally for the maintenance of the human body, in addition to being the basis of sustenance for survival.


  • Dark green vegetables: endive, chicory, watercress, arugula and kale are rich in calcium which helps reduce colic, also bringing greater energy;
  • Fish:  salmon and sardines are rich in VITAMIN D, which helps with the absorption of calcium, improving colic symptoms;
  • Whole grains: chickpeas and oats that contain VITAMIN B6, help reduce breast irritability and sensitivity;
  • Legumes: beans help reduce fluid retention in the body, due to the presence of MAGNESIUM; 
  • Milk Derivatives: skimmed yogurt without sugar, preferably, helps regulate calcium levels in the body, also leading to a reduction in colic symptoms;
  • Caffeine-free teas:  chamomile tea soothes nerves and muscles.
  • Oils: Olive and sunflower oil contain VITAMIN E, which regulates the prostaglandins responsible for the symptom of colic.


  • Caffeinated drinks: Soda contains a lot of sodium in its composition, which can cause swelling due to fluid retention and increase breast sensitivity. Excessive coffee can promote greater irritability and worsen sleep quality, which can also lead to greater breast sensitivity ;
  • Fried foods and red meat in excess they can cause harm to health and worsen symptoms, due to the high amount of fats they cause a greater production of prostaglandins, which is a substance that can increase sensitivity;
  • Foods with very high sodium (salt) content, can help with fluid retention in the body, causing swelling. In addition to not being good for health for those who have arterial hypertension (high blood pressure).

Remember that any food consumed in excess can be harmful to your health, if you are interested in obtaining a more balanced and healthy diet, contact your nutritionist.

To the next! 

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