Cancer treatments bring about countless physical and psychological changes, most often altering patients' food acceptance. The side effects of therapies are accompanied by problems such as anorexia, nausea, intestinal damage, edema, hemorrhage, diarrhea, anemia, changes in taste, among others.
When you do not eat enough or the correct type of food, the body uses the nutrients it has stored to serve as a source of energy. This negative balance results in weakening of the body and weakening of the patient's general condition.
These possible side effects can be alleviated with the application of adequate nutritional therapy. By eating correctly, the patient will feel better and stronger, in addition to maintaining or regaining weight, better tolerating treatments and helping with the healing process.
Nutritional therapy for cancer patients must be carried out on an individual basis, taking into account the patient's nutritional needs, dietary restrictions, tolerances and clinical status.
Source: Fernanda Alves, clinical nutritionist at the Hematology Onco Unit. Hospital Samaritano Newsletter