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Discover the historical events on this Nutritionist's Day.

1- In the global panorama, nutrition, whether as a field of knowledge or social policy or even a profession, is a recent phenomenon when compared to other branches of knowledge. It emerged within the context after the First World War, where the first study and research centers aimed at nutritional intervention were created.

2- The first university nutrition course was created in Canada in 1902, where the first professional dietitian was appointed in 1907, Hospital Criança Doente.

3- In Latin America, nutrition was strongly influenced by an Argentine doctor, Pedro Escudeiro, founder of the National Institute of Nutrition in 1926. In the city of Buenos Aires, he also created the National School of Dietitians in 1933 and the course for “dietologists” ”. It is worth noting that some Brazilians, including Josué de Castro, attended this course, where he later carried out the first survey of food consumption in Brazil with the working classes of Recife. Furthermore, he wrote a book entitled “Geography of Hunger” which was successful worldwide.

 4- The first nutrition course in Brazil called the Nutritionist Course was created at the Faculty of Public Health (the former Institute of Hygiene) at the University of São Paulo, strongly influenced by Geraldo Paulo de Souza. He carried out studies at the John Hopkins Institute of Public Health, in the nutrition department, and noted the importance of this area as a fundamental factor in maintaining and recovering health.

 5- Several years passed for this course to be taken to the category of a university course, since before the professional nutritionist was trained within a technical course at a secondary level and called a dietitian, following the example of countries in Europe, Canada and the United States .

 6- After the Second World War, the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) was created in 1946, the UN entity (United Nations Organization), responsible for the issue of global food and nutrition.

 7- To defend the interests of professionals and develop research in the field of nutrition, several organizations emerged, including the Brazilian Association of Nutritionists on August 31, 1946. As a result, today August 31 is celebrated as “Medical Day”. nutritionist"

8- Since then, there has been an expansion of the nutrition course in all Brazilian states and expansion of the area of activity. This professional played an important role in resolving some nutritional problems of the Brazilian population, such as malnutrition related to underdevelopment, such as protein-calorie malnutrition, hypovitaminosis and iron deficiency anemia.

     Nowadays, there is a predominance of degenerative nutritional diseases (obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemia, etc.) associated with the development and a modern lifestyle which constitutes the great challenge for this professional.

  Finally, as we pass these historical events that marked our profession, we want to remember the achievements we obtained and the nobility of this area of knowledge in contributing to a healthier, healthier and happier society.

Congratulations to you Nutritionist.


1- Vasconcelos, Franscisco:The Nutritionist in Brazil. Historical Analysis

2- Calado, Carmem: Expansion of nutrition courses in Brazil and new law on guidelines and bases.


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