“My Healthy Plate” is a program that was developed with the aim of facilitating the identification of foods and appropriate portions to maintain a balanced diet, being prepared by the Nutrition service of the Heart Institute of HC-FMUSP and LatinMed.
The program was adapted according to the eating habits of the Brazilian population, and aims to contribute to the reduction and prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular problems and cancer.
A healthy diet is considered one where meals are made up of a variety of foods, with appropriate types and quantities that include foods of both plant and animal origin.
It is recommended to eat three meals a day, such as breakfast, lunch and dinner, and have snacks between meals.
Below is an illustration of how each meal should be prepared:
For breakfast, the ideal is to combine fruit, a source of carbohydrates and proteins.
At lunch and dinner, half of the plate should contain raw and cooked vegetables (greens and legumes). The other half should contain ¼ with a portion of animal protein (beef, chicken, fish – excluding visible fat – or eggs) and a portion of vegetable protein (beans, chickpeas, soy, lentils). The remaining ¼ must contain foods rich in carbohydrates, preferably in whole form (rice, pasta, potatoes, cassava, cassava, flour).
Intermediate snacks can be consumed: yogurt or milk, giving preference to skimmed milk, cheese, biscuits or cookies (wholemeal), toast, or fruit in general.
For more information, visit the “Meu Prato Saudável” program website www.meupratosaudavel.com.br
Food guide for the Brazilian population. Promoting healthy eating, Brasília DF, 2008.
My healthy dish for more information see the website www.meupratosaudavel.com.br
Diversificar os alimentos na hora da refeição é super importante! Amei o conteúdo !