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For a healthier Easter!

Easter is a very important date for Christian civilization, as is Christmas. It is during this period that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is celebrated, which for many has the meaning of renewal. The Easter bunny and eggs originated in ancient civilizations and symbolized fertility. In Ancient Egypt, the rabbit represented the preservation of the species and hope for new life. In the Christian and Jewish religions, this animal symbolizes new life and rebirth, and eggs symbolize fertility.

Here in Brazil, as the vast majority of the population is Christian, there is a great culture for Holy Week, which is nothing more than a preparation for this renewal. The Easter celebration itself always takes place on Sundays and is when families get together for a big lunch and exchange of chocolate eggs. This is a period in which there is usually a lot of excess food, which ends up lasting for a while, until the eggs run out.

Experts draw attention to the fact that, in excess, chocolate can be harmful to your health, as its amount of fat can raise cholesterol levels.

Despite offering more calories from fat and sugar, chocolate is also rich in protein, as well as being a good source of minerals such as iron, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus, and B vitamins.

White chocolate, as it does not contain cocoa mass, does not bring benefits to the heart and its form contains cocoa butter, powdered milk and sugar.


Milk chocolate is a version that contains vitamin B, proteins and calcium.




Many studies have shown that dark chocolate has a high content of flavonoids, antioxidants that can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, dark chocolate is the best option among the many offered on the market.

This type of chocolate also has a high concentration of catechins found in cocoa, which act on the arteries, promoting, among other benefits, blood pressure control.

Indulge in moderation! Small amounts in special situations such as these festivities do not compromise health or fitness. A good tip is not to buy huge eggs, which can prolong the “Easter season”. Still, instead of eating large amounts of chocolate at once, it is much better that small amounts are eaten per day. Including 30 grams of chocolate per day is not considered excessive, as long as it is part of a healthy diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, meat, and low in fat and sugar.

In the right measure, your body will even thank you.


Enjoy this special season without exaggeration!

Happy Easter!


Text adapted from: It is


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