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Fruit juices and their benefits

On hot days, it is essential to drink fluids to replace the loss we have during the day. We sweat a lot and there is nothing more refreshing than drinking a cold drink. Water is the most recommended drink, but there are other types of drinks that hydrate and replenish nutrients, such as coconut water, teas and natural fruit juices.

In a glass of fruit juice you can obtain several vitamins and minerals that are important for the proper functioning of your body, nutrients that perform necessary functions for your body. Don't forget that a glass of natural fruit juice is equivalent to a serving of fruit!

Fruit juice can also be made with vegetables. They make the juice more nutritious and delicious. Use coconut water, fruit peels, vegetables such as carrots, beets, cucumbers, and leaves such as kale, watercress, spinach, etc. Prepare the juice minutes before drinking, this way you get more nutrients. Vitamin C, for example, is easily lost and therefore the juice needs to be prepared close to the time of drinking.

Always opt for natural, made from the fruit itself. Then the pulp is packaged and frozen. Concentrated juices can also be consumed from time to time. Powdered juice is not the best choice as it contains sugar, sodium and additives. Check the ingredients on the packaging, there are brands that have a much lower amount of additives and sodium than others.

Here are 4 reasons why you should drink at least 1 glass of natural fruit juice per day:

  • Vitamins and minerals contribute to the good work of the immune system. They also act on several other body functions such as growth, oxygen transport, nutrient metabolism, formation of important substances for the body, etc.;
  • Fruits are sources of fiber, help regulate intestinal transit, and help normalize cholesterol and blood glucose levels.
  • Good digestion. In this heat, it is common for people to feel stuffed after eating. Fruit juices are also excellent choices for between-meal snacks;
  • Variety. You can prepare juices with different types of fruits, with different flavors. But don't overdo it, even fruit juices can contribute extra calories if you overdo it.



Cashew juice and Mango  




  • 1 unit(s) of mango
  • 1 unit(s) of cashew
  • 350 ml of water
  • Ice
  • Sugar or sweetener


Blend the mango and cashew in a blender and then add the water, sugar and ice.




Lemon juice with basil


  • 8 basil leaves                       
  • 3 tablespoons of water
  • 1/2 lemon juiced
  • 250 ml of ice water


Blend the basil leaves with 3 tablespoons of water. Add the broth of half a lemon, cold mineral water and blend in a blender. If you prefer, add only half the water, top up with ice and blend in a blender.



Orange juice with kale


  • 2 to 3 oranges
  • 1 liter of ice water
  • 2 large kale leaves with stem   
  • Sugar to taste


Place the peeled oranges in a blender, add the water, the cabbage leaves cut into large pieces, the sugar and blend.






Carrot juice with lemon


  • 1 carrot (small)
  • 1 lemon                                        
  • Sugar or sweetener to taste.




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