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A good breakfast can even improve your mood!

 Everyone has heard that breakfast is the main meal of the day, but Brazilians still don't have the habit of consuming it.

During the night, the body fasts for hours and uses up all the energy stored from dinner. That's why it's recommended to have breakfast within two hours of waking up, providing enough energy to normalize your metabolism, which slows down at night. Furthermore, a very prolonged fast causes blood glucose levels to drop a lot – and then symptoms such as headache, bad mood, weakness and tremors appear.

By making this a routine, the body understands that the lack of energy lasts for 8 hours of sleep and at least 4 to 5 hours of work until lunchtime. So every day the body prefers to save the energy from the previous day to use in this period of scarcity. This means your body will work more slowly throughout the day to save energy and instead of losing weight – as many people think – you will be storing fat.

So have willpower and make it a habit to include breakfast in your routine!

* Don't have time for coffee? Wake up 15 minutes earlier! You will have more energy throughout the day – and your body will thank you.

* Prepare what you will eat the night before. This will save time in the morning.

*Keep your refrigerator stocked. Buy sliced cold cuts like turkey breast, low-fat cheeses like Minas cheese; yogurts, fruit jellies and fresh fruit.

*If you don't feel hungry in the morning, try to eat less at night.

Below are some options for what to eat for breakfast. But try to innovate, choose foods you like and diversify the preparations. You will feel the improvement it will bring to your body and your mood!

  • Natural

1 pot of low-fat yogurt with 1 tablespoon of granola; 1 slice of wholemeal bread with ricotta cream; 1 small glass of orange juice

  • Practical

1 glass of skimmed milk blended in a blender with 1 dessert spoon of oats, ½ apple and ½ banana.

  • Reinforced

1 cup of milk with coffee; 1 French bread with 1 slice of cheese, 1 slice of turkey breast and 1 knife tip of light margarine; 1 banana

  • Perfect

1 small pot with skimmed milk, cornflakes, 3 cut strawberries, ½ sliced banana and a drizzle of honey; 1 slice of wholemeal bread with cream cheese

  • Economic

1 cup of tea; 4 water and salt biscuits with cottage cheese; ½ papaya papaya; 1 cup of gelatin

  • Out of home

1 glass of natural orange juice, 1 French bread on the plate with white cheese


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